Petition to Cast Meryl Streep as Princess Leia in next Star Wars Movie?

Star Wars is iconic.  Harrison Ford IS Han Solo, and while we might be able to suspend our disbelief to think that Alden Ehrenreich COULD be a young Han in this Summer's "Solo: A Star Wars Story", we could never buy it if someone else had played the character in "Star Wars:The Force Awakens". 

Yet a group of almost 9,000 people are trying to petition Disney/Lucasfilms to recast Princess Leia in the upcoming Star Wars Episode IX.

Princess/General Leia has been the same for generations of movie goers.  And after passed away suddenly in December of 2016, it seemed obvious that the character would be written out after The Last Jedi was completed.

And, although a Young Leia was added digitally to the Star Wars Story, Rogue One, Lucasfilm claimed that they have no plans to digitally recreate Carrie Fisher with CGI in STAR WARS Episode IX.

Here's the scene from Rogue One:

Which leaves writing the character out or recasting.  This petition asks that the filmmakers consider Meryl Streep for the role.  And while she is an amazing actress, that's a big ask.

Are you on-board? Check out the petition online, HERE!

Also, check out the trailer for "Solo":

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