Russell Westbrook Steps off Court & Goes Into "Daddy Mode"

Remember the saying that goes "It takes a village to raise a child." Well that's exactly what happened to this young fan at one of NBA OKC Thunders' recent game. Russell Westbrook was pushed by a young boy who was sitting floorside behind the players bench mid-game. After this, Westbrook decided to take a pause to go and explain to the child that there is a certain unwritten rule of thumb when it comes to personal space. He told both the son, who was accompanied by his father, that when you dont know someone, you really shouldn't touch them, especially aggressively. Many would argue and say that maybe he shouldn't have done this because it was a child, but even more have agreed with his reaction to the incident. In my opinion, the child needed to learn that valuable lesson. Its true, when you aren't familiar with someone, you should take precaution and be considerate of their personal space. Not everyone likes to be touched. Westbrook's way of handling the situation was indeed commendable. In fact, it may have even been a lesson for the parents as well. Sometimes we shouldn't be so quick to take offense when someone is taking time to teach or discipline our children - if it is done in a respectful manner.That very lesson that you as a parent, forgot to teach or may have never had yourself, may be the very thing that saves your life later.

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