Details About Brad Pitt's New Boston Girlfriend!

She is a mix between #MinnieDriver and his ex wife #AngelinaJolie ...   I think she's a beauty and seems to have it together!   Good for them.  #GeorgeClooney said take step out of looks like he took that advice!

Brads New Girlfriend

Neri is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) architecture professor.    She lives in Boston and has already given Brad the keys to her place!    He has been spotted going in late at night on many occasions and leaving after she leaves for work to teach.   They met back in November at the MIT conference...hit it off instantly!    He was suppose to fly back after the conference but decided to change his flight and stay the week with her in Boston.    A friend says the chemistry is off the charts.    They also attended a design conference in South Africa around Valentines Day...which  we heard speculation about Brad dating around this time too!!!   She is a successful, well put together, beautiful, intelligent woman....  I'm sure she has been "swept off her feet".   I mean it is Brad Pitt for goodness sake...he is like George of those fantasy guys you've always  fantasized about.   Hopefully he doesn't break her heart.  

Neri Oxman Twitter

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