This was definitely a surprise considering I was told it would be difficult to get pregnant....but I found out July 4th! It definitely shows that God is in control....not us. That's my belief! We were planning to "try" soon but I'm glad this little miracle showed up when it did. Found out at the beach, the same place (same toilet) we discovered we were pregnant with Easton. Boston was actually joining us at the beach that Friday, so I rushed to make a picture book to reveal our news. And of course I made Easton come in to take pictures with me. Sorry if it seems creepy he is sitting on the toilet with me...I birthed him, so it's fine!
I took at least 8 pregnancy test over the course of that week!
So when I told Boston....I took him out to the beach. Again same place we went after finding out we were pregnant with Easton. I'm super sentimental about EVERYTHING lol! It was so crowded and below is just a small glimpse of the reveal video. The dad behind me started screaming at his kid, calling him an idiot etc because he dropped something in the ocean. I didn't want to share that because we didn't know the family. BUT....hilarious we're having a sweet moment and this dad berates (unfortunately) his kid.
SIDEBAR: I have seen GRASSHOPPERS everywhere!!!!! Just like I did before when pregnant with Easton. I swear I believe this symbolic creature has been trying to tell me something. When you look it up...the grasshopper means moving forward, good fortune and fertility!
I send my heart and love out to those who have suffered loss. I have dear friends who are trying to get pregnant and those who have miscarried. I know it's hard to celebrate others when you've suffered sending much love and support your way. We've had some scares the past few months, so I have seen myself (just a tiny fraction) how it could be painful.
We are awaiting our genetic testing results soon ....since I'm older, insurance covers this. That means we find out the gender soon as well.
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People often ask who our doctor is..... Triangle Physicians for Women. They have been so amazing with both kiddos thus far.
Thanks for reading this post! It's exciting news for our family, so thank you! Now we're trying to teach Easton he will need to share in the near future.