Erica and Boston Welcome Baby Number 2


Hey guys!

Welcome to the world... 

ELLA GRACE - weighing in at 3 pounds 6 ounces,  born 2 months early, January 14th at 8:14pm.    She is doing wonderful and she has SPUNK and SASS! 

It has been one heck of a week, but we are blessed and we can't wait to share the journey of Ella Grace making her grand entrance!  She came in to this world fiercely kicking and screaming.   I witnessed firsthand God's work!!!!  Seriously... there were some scares since last Wednesday - things were eventful for mama and baby!   I cannot say enough for the AMAZING doctors and nurses who cared for me and taking care of our sweet baby girl.  

Another post with "WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS" will be coming soon!  Thank you so much for all of our wonderful family and friends who reached out, checked in etc.  WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!  Our sweet boy Easton has not met Ella yet.  We have some time before that happens due to restrictions on children at the hospital etc.  Until then, here are a few snap shots.  She will be in NICU until closer to her "planned" birth date.   She's great...just needs a little more time to grow.  

ella 2
ella 3
ella 4

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