Abuse - Why do we stay? But Most Importantly, Why Do We Watch ?

How long does one wait until they do something about witnessing someone being abused. For some reason, in society, we have come to a phase where we fear calling the authorities or seeking help when we or someone we know is being abused whether it be emotionally, physically, verbally or even mentally. Many ask the question of when it is ok to step in and take precaution. Some may say, as soon as you notice signs of abuse, tell. Though that is the case, many would even reply to do nothing because "it isn't your business." My question is why has this notion of "its not your business" become the norm? Why are we so afraid of seeking higher authority once witnessing another being hurt. Or better yet, what are the cognitive reasoning's behind making us feel we are incapable of leaving something so toxic. As women, would you agree that we sometimes focus too much on others opinion, or have the fear of being alone which stimulate our thoughts, forcing us to stay? Or maybe the thoughts of even if I call, no one will believe me because of my partners' occupation or status in the community brings reservation to both the victim or bystander? Another reason could be the lack of self-esteem and knowledge of self worth, so we stay in these situations thinking things could change. But how long do you wait for him/her to change. When do you step up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? In regards to a solution, How many times does one have to call the police who, a lot of times, may come but do nothing until a crime finally happens? What if as a bystander, you make that call too late, does that burden hang over your head? We have got to become a people who do more action rather than just talking or better yet, just watching .We have to stray from being a people who worry too much about invading space and begin acting on our instincts. Those instincts might just be what saves someone's life!

-Change behavior and the ”mentality" will follow suit

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