New Rideshare Bill to Help Protect You

After hearing so many devastating incidents revolving around Ride share companies, finally, NC is being proactive in regards to the protection and safety of its people who use these services. Ride share services are companies such as Uber and Lyft. These companies consists of residents using their personal vehicles to transport people to and from where they need to go. They are basically personal taxi service drivers in a sense. Lately, you see and hear of so many incidents revolving around people trusting these companies and getting into these vehicles and ending up in terrible situations. In particular, the one story about the South Carolina student who was abducted and killed by a driver pretending to be their Uber is one that really raised some awareness and brought attention to coming up with a prevention plan of some sort to help this cause. So now, the bill stresses how those driving for these ride share companies must display their signs so that they are visible and their vehicles are identifiable. It also stresses that if anyone has decided not to work for these companies they must return the signs. Though this precaution is taking place, do you think this will really make a difference?

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