A lot happened this long weekend for me. I went to Washington D.C. I saw a lot of National Monuments, we went to museums and learned a lot, saw some friends from college, and, OH YEAH... I GOT ENGAGED TO MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!
This was a long time in the works. Several months ago we learned that our favorite artist, Allen Stone, was going on tour. Not only is he our favorite artist, but he is the FIRST concert we ever attended and it was the first out of town trip that we took. His songs really speak to our relationship, and so if you’re not catching on, this was the person and place to help with the perfect proposal.
I messaged him on instagram back in October (2019) and he was incredibly responsive and more than willing to help out. The fact that he responded at all was unreal to begin with. We went back and forth for a while and finally agreed that he would pull us on stage and let me have my moment with her, right before our song, “Consider Me”.
All of her family and friends were either there at the concert or at our meetup spot post show. She was completely blindsided and we felt so much love from everyone in the room.
As for me, I was a nervous wreck getting up in front of everyone there and had no idea what I said in the moment. But for me my favorite part of the night was right after when we were able to dance to our song.
I am so excited to announce that I get to spend the rest of my life with the best person in the universe.
For more footage follow on IG: @benontheradio @g105showgram
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