Wake County Just Extended Stay-At-Home Order Through April 30th

Wake County has officially extended its stay-at-home order to protect citizens from COVID-19.

The previous stay-at-home order was set to expire Thursday. The extension pushes the regulations out through April 30.

"While we're making good progress to flatten the COVID-19 curve in our community, we haven't hit our peak caseload yet, so it's too early to lift our stay-at-home restrictions," Wake County Board of Commissioners Chairman Greg Ford said. "However, we understand how challenging this is - particularly for businesses - which is why this extension includes provisions to help the local economy while enabling us to save lives."

The updated order allows all retail businesses in the county and its 12 municipalities to stay open if they provide delivery or curbside pickup options.

Faith organizations are also allowed to hold drive-in services, according to the updated order.

"We know that in challenging times, religious and spiritual support is one way that people find strength and comfort," Ford said. "While these services are accessible online, we have extended the ability to allow drive-in services if churches and places of worship are able to follow certain social-distancing parameters."

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