Gov. Cooper Limits Indoor Gatherings To 10 Amid Rising COVID Cases

Gov. Roy Cooper announced new COVID-19 restrictions along with news that North Carolina will remain in Phase 3 for little while longer. The most notable change is that indoor gatherings will be limited to 10 people, down from 25.

"Science shows that the transition of this virus is much greater indoors, and the more people that are gathered, the more easily this virus can spread," Gov. Cooper said in a press conference Tuesday afternoon (November 10).

Cooper's Executive Order 176 will go into effect on Friday, November 13 and remain in place until Friday, December 4. According to a statewide report by the state Department of Health and Human Services, over two dozen COVID-19 clusters were traced back to social gatherings with others outside of their household.

"This reduction in our indoor gathering limit aims to slow the spread and bring down our numbers," he said. "It also sends a serious signal to families, friends, and neighbors across our state. Success in slowing the spread will help our businesses."

The 10-person limit does not apply to religious services, ABC 11 reports.

The new restrictions come as many people across the country still plan on traveling for Thanksgiving.

"Let's keep our friends, family, and loved ones safe this holiday season," said Health Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen. "If you are going to travel or get together, plan ahead to reduce the risk to your family and friends. Remember, it's not how well you know someone when it comes to wearing a mask. If they don't live with you, get behind the mask."

As of Tuesday, North Carolina has seen 297,442 cases since the start of the pandemic, with 2,582 cases reported since Monday.

Photo: Getty Images

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