This Is North Carolina's Signature Cheap Food

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Whether you've been a broke college student or have had to struggle to make ends meet, most people know what it's like to be tight on money. Fortunately, there are still places you can go to grab a bite to eat that won't hurt your wallet too much.

Cheapism searched the country to find the "best local eats to try on a tight budget," compiling a list of the best signature cheap food in each state. According to the site:

"The bounty of delicious regional dishes unique to each state in the U.S. should satisfy just about any curious palate, whether you're a local or a tourist on the prowl for a good, cheap meal."

So what is North Carolina's signature cheap food?

Pulled Pork

Pulled pork being the best signature cheap food in North Carolina shouldn't come as much of surprise since the state (along with South Carolina) has made a name for itself with Carolina-style barbecue. When advising where to find North Carolina's signature dish, the site suggests trying Smokey's BBQ Shack in Morrisville.

Here's what Cheapism had to say:

"Barbecue in North Carolina differs from the barbecue, say, Kansas City. Thinner and less sweet, North Carolina's version incorporates a healthy dose of vinegar and contains little (if any) tomato sauce. Try B's Barbecue in Greenville or Bobbee O's in Charlotte, too. If you need something to wash down all those pulled pork sandwiches and ribs, try a cherry-flavored Cheerwine soda."

Check out Cheapism's full list to see each state's signature cheap food.

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