Dating Mistakes That We Keep Making Over and Over Again

Upset rejected girl ghosted by boyfriend in coffeeshop

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The women of Reddit are sounding off after a user posting in the thread r/AskWomen "What dating mistakes do you keep making over and over?"

Everyone is checking in with some of the lessons it took them a long time to learn, here's what they're saying:

  • Dating men solely based on them liking me without even evaluating if I actually like them.
  • Breaking up when we are fighting because of perceived abandonment and rejection. And then trying to crawl back once my emotions settle down.
  • Needing constant reassurance with them. I don't know why but it feels like they would lose feelings for me and not tell me unless I bring it upNeeding constant reassurance with them. I don't know why but it feels like they would lose feelings for me and not tell me unless I bring it up
  • I used to seek emotionally unavailable people because they weren't reactive. Then I realized that there was a middle ground between reactive and emotionally unavailable. Then I met someone.

Read the entire thread here!

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