VEGAS HERE WE COME! So I'm going on a girls trip and the theme is - show skin. I never show I'm screwed....LOL. All of the girls are married or taken, so it's not a hook up thing but simply going out and feeling "hot". old butt couldn't find any clothes that worked so I basically hit up target and hobby lobby and I designed a mix of Erica's creations with the help of a seamstress. I use "design" loosely. I raided my closet to alter old stuff too. Not gonna lie....I'm leaving tomorrow and the packing has begun.....and so has freaking out which normally I don't. There will be so many beautiful people in Vegas this weekend that I'm 2nd guessing myself.... Guess this will be the weekend to have a drink and say screw it!
(Mesh is bathing suit and pool cover ups....the blue is a pool cover up..... others are go out wear)
My lesson for myself and others who sometimes doubt themselves....don't let an insecurity ruin your fun. Don't focus on it because no one else will pay's only in your own head! Have fun and that will outshine any flaw that may bother you.
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Check out the looks for the Oscars Dress and maybe win a little "Hollywood" pampering for yourself!